Scientific and Academic Activities


Labanino, R. & Dobbins, M. (2023): "Democratic Backsliding and Organized Interests in Central and Eastern Europe", special issue of Politics and Governance 11(1)

Panel Chair, Discussant & Organization

Responsible Lobbying: Frames and Practices - Discussant

Governing Vocational Education & Training (VET) as Policy - Discussant

Organized Interests in the Context of Democratic Backsliding - Panel Chair

The Decline of Academic Freedom in Eastern Europe - In Search of a New Research Agenda - Panel Chair

Bridging the void: Interest organisations and democratic backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe - Panel organizer


Scientific Jury Membership

European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Interest Groups - 2022 Annual Best Paper Award and 2022 Annual Best Paper Award - Junior scholar, with Ellis Aizenberg (chair) and Adrià Albareda Sanz


Mobility Policies I.

Mobility Policies II.

Lobbying: The Quiet Power? - Understading Interest Representation Through Political Science

The Collapse of the Political Centre and the Populist Challange - Fragmentation and Polarisation of European Democracies

Exploring Interest Groups in Post-Communist Policy-Making in the Context of Democratic Backsliding

The Politics of Central and Eastern Europe, with Michael Dobbins

The Political Economy of Post-Communist Transitions

The Politics of Neoliberalism

Social Security and Reform in Central and Eastern Europe,

Party Systems in New Democracies