Scientific and Academic Activities
Labanino, R. & Dobbins, M. (2023): "Democratic Backsliding and Organized Interests in Central and Eastern Europe", special issue of Politics and Governance 11(1)
Panel Chair, Discussant & Organization
Responsible Lobbying: Frames and Practices - Discussant
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Section: The Evolving Landscape of Interest Group Politics: Navigating a Research Area of Increasing Complexity and Unprecedented Importance - University College Dublin, 12-15. August 2024
Governing Vocational Education & Training (VET) as Policy - Discussant
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Section: Knowledge Politics and Policies - Charles University, Prague, 4-8. September 2023
Organized Interests in the Context of Democratic Backsliding - Panel Chair
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Section: Towards a New Generation of Interest Groups Studies? New Modes of Interest Representation and Research - University of Innsbruck, 22-26. August 2022
The Decline of Academic Freedom in Eastern Europe - In Search of a New Research Agenda - Panel Chair
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Section: Democratic erosion and resilience in Central and Eastern Europe: Turning the tide? - University of Innsbruck, 22-26. August 2022
Bridging the void: Interest organisations and democratic backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe - Panel organizer
26th International Conference of Europeanists, 20-22. June 2019, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Scientific Jury Membership
European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Interest Groups - 2022 Annual Best Paper Award and 2022 Annual Best Paper Award - Junior scholar, with Ellis Aizenberg (chair) and Adrià Albareda Sanz
Mobility Policies I.
Lecture at the University of Nürtingen-Geislingen (HfWU), Winter Semester, 2024-2025
Mobility Policies II.
Seminar at the University of Nürtingen-Geislingen (HfWU), Winter Semester, 2024-2025
Lobbying: The Quiet Power? - Understading Interest Representation Through Political Science
Seminar at the University of Konstanz, Summer Semester, 2023
The Collapse of the Political Centre and the Populist Challange - Fragmentation and Polarisation of European Democracies
Seminar at the Ludwigsburg University of Education, Summer Semester, 2022
Exploring Interest Groups in Post-Communist Policy-Making in the Context of Democratic Backsliding
11th Summer School of the ECPR Standing Group on Interest Groups: Interest groups and lobbying in the policymaking process, 30.06.-08.07.2021, Virtual Event
The Politics of Central and Eastern Europe, with Michael Dobbins
Seminar at the University of Konstanz, Summer Semester 2021
The Political Economy of Post-Communist Transitions
Seminar at the University of Bern, Fall Semester 2014
The Politics of Neoliberalism
Seminar at the University of Bern, Spring Semester 2014
Social Security and Reform in Central and Eastern Europe,
Seminar at the University of Bern, Fall Semester 2012
Party Systems in New Democracies
Seminar at the University of Bern, Spring Semester 2012